Paul, Aquila, and Priscilla - 06/27/21

Paul, Aquila and Priscilla

Lesson for the Week

Parents:  When it comes to many things, including sharing the gospel, the phrase, “Better Together” rings true. We need to encourage others as well as receive encouragement through studying and talking about God’s Word together. Let’s take a look at how Paul and his fellow believers’ did just that while they were in the city of Corinth.  

Download The Lesson & Family Activity 

Family Activity

To remember Paul, Aquila, and Priscilla working together, let’s make a tent using the template attached in the lesson link above. First, glue the two popsicle sticks. Then cut a triangle out of fabric or construction paper. Glue it onto the tent frame. Embellish the tent with a cross or other creative details.