Being Mindful of the Pain of Others - 8/23/20

Being Mindful of the Pain of Others

Lesson for the Week

Parents:  Often our minds are full of our own concerns and needs. Selflessness is something that doesn’t always come easy. Teaching our kids to be mindful of the pain of others and to show empathy is important. In our story, Joseph’s father dies. Joseph had every reason to be angry with his brothers, remembering how they mistreated him, but instead, he was thoughtful of their pain and pointed them to God.

Download The Lesson & Family Activity 

Family Activity

Color and cut out Jacob and his sons found in the lesson link above. Tape or glue each one to a popsicle stick, straw, or whatever you have on hand. Create a puppet show with Jacob, Joseph, and his brothers. Take a photo/video and if you'd like, share it with us at