


Jesus wanted his disciples to know that prayer is powerful. And that's the case, he tells the disciples, not because of the way the prayer is uttered, or because the person praying is so powerful in their faith.

In fact, it's really not about us at all. It's about the power of the One who hears and answers our prayers. Not the faith, but...


Jesus pointed his disciples to true greatness.

When James and John asked Jesus if they could be the ones to sit on Jesus' right and left hand in heaven, Jesus was not offended by their wish. Later on, however, when the other disciples heard about it, they were not so kind.

The Bible calls them "indignant."

Jesus simply uses...


David had learned the value of inaction.

Inaction?! I know. It sounds counter to everything we believe in, doesn't it? Almost un-American.

But for David, it was creating space for God to work. And he knew that this is often the right thing to do.

Perhaps he had learned it as a young shepherd boy. Then again, he may have...


When I visited Mozambique this past summer I got a chance to visit the Ilha de Mocambique, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The reason this small, seemingly insignificant island is so highly honored is its history. On the island itself is the Fort Sao Sabastio, the oldest fort still standing in sub-Saharan Africa. This massive fort's ...


Jesus was doing some amazing stuff. He healed a blind man in Bethsaida. He was transfigured in front of the disciples, allowing his divine glory to shine through for a few brief moments. He healed a boy who had been possessed with an evil spirit ever since he was a small child.

And those are just a few of the highlights.

But Jesus...


Jesus taught his disciples to put the right value on things. And he made it clear that one should not value anything more highly than their own soul.

Whatever a person needs to sacrifice to gain their soul, Jesus said, they would be well-advised to give it up willingly.

Even if someone could promise you that he could deliver on...


There’s a big difference between ability and availability.

Sometimes we have the ability to do something, but we don’t have the availability that allows us to put our talents to work on a certain opportunity or issue. Or the exact opposite can occur. We might be available to assist with an opportunity, but our abilities don’t match up...


I first learned how to set a snare in Africa. A guinea fowl, because it likes to run across the ground, was a relatively easy target.

But in the spiritual world, I am the target. And it happens far more often than I'd like to admit. Sin snares me.

Jesus points out to his disciples, as he teaches them about the error of the...


Jesus was quietly praying, while the disciples were in huge trouble. After the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus told his disciples to climb into their boat and set sail for the other side of the Sea of Galilee.

Jesus knew he could catch up with them (after all, he walks on water!). So he stayed behind on land to get a little quiet...


They say there's far too little thinking going on in today's world.

I say there's far too little re-thinking going on in today's world.

We form habits and we rarely take the opportunity to step back and really look at those habits to determine if they're helping or hurting us.

Our culture teaches us a certain way...


Fear twists us up. And there are many frightening events in life that do twist and turn our hearts. Some of those are very real, and it's understandable that a person would be afraid in certain situations.

Take losing your daughter for example. It's one thing if you're Liam Neeson and your daughter has been "Taken." But it's entirely...


God makes some fabulous promises to you. But one of the best promises of all time is contained in the poetic picture he gives you of being your Good Shepherd.

Psalm 23 is beloved for good reason. Because it promises that no matter how things look to you right now, there is a new reality you need to know about. And that reality is this:...