Birds of a Feather


"Birds of a feather flock together." At least, that's what my Mom used to tell me. She had all sorts of proverbs like that. Such wisdom came from her Kentucky upbringing.

The only problem is that the proverb doesn't work at all for Jesus. The one who was tempted like us in every way, except without sin, had not come to "flock together" with other spiritually pure and sinless people.

Good thing. Because those people don't exist. At least not in the real world. And Jesus came into this very real world for real people like us.

He came for sinners. The spiritually sick. Those who are not in a healthy relationship with God. That's who he came for.

People like me.

People like you.

Praise God for that!

On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matthew 9:12-13, NIV).

Lord Jesus, thank you for coming for a sinful person like me. I am sorry for the unrighteous and sinful things I do every day. Please forgive me. Call me to be your disciple as you once called Matthew. Show me the same mercy you once showed him.

Our Bible reading for Saturday, January 10, is Genesis 21:1 - 23:20, Matthew 8:23 - 9:13 and Psalm 7:10-17.

Header image based on "Birds of a Feather?" by McCullough, CC by 2.0