Jesus Did Many Things


Scarcity mentality is what it's sometimes called. It's the mentality that was adopted by Eeyore. You might recognize it. It's the feeling that you just might be the one that's being followed around by a dark cloud hanging over your head.

It's a mentality that's easy to develop. As humans, we tend to see trials and troubles, rather than gifts and victories. And it's common for us to feel as if blessings are few and far between.

Scarce, in other words.

Moreover, it's a point of view that finds it hard to see God showing up in our lives. We start to feel like God has left us to deal with life's hardships completely on our own.

The apostle John saw it the opposite way. For him, the stories of the amazing, powerful, gracious things Jesus did during his lifetime were many.

Not scarce at all, but abundant.

If John were here today, this is what he would tell you: "This is your Savior, Jesus. His love for you is abundant. And his power at work in your life is abundant too. The Library of Congress cannot contain the stories of his love and power at work in your life."

"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written" (John 21:25, NIV).

Our Bible reading for Tuesday, June 2, is 2 Samuel 2:8 - 3:21, John 21:1-25 and Psalm 69:1-12.

Header image based on "Very cool dark clouds" by Josh, CC By 2.0