

What kind of results are you hoping for in life? What measures "success" for you?

I think all of us have goals we would love to reach. We have dreams we'd love to see come true.

As Pastor of CrossWalk Church, I love knowing that people are becoming more fully-developed followers of Jesus Christ. That's why yesterday's confirmation service was really, really exciting for me. We celebrated the confirmation of 13 young people -- teens ready to stand up before our God and our entire church and confess their faith in Christ.

Very cool!

The same goes for when we launch a new growth group semester and we get a large number of registrations, or when people sign up for a class system class, or when they enroll their children at CrossWalk Kids. It's exciting because I know the journey -- the adventure of faith -- that these people are embarking on. I know they are on the right path to become "fully-developing followers of Jesus Christ."

I also love knowing that we're reaching new people with the gospel. We started our church 11 years ago as a "church for unchurched people." So when a person without a church home comes in and begins to attend our church, I get really pumped.

Today, for instance, my wife Julie spoke to a lady who has been to our church just twice. And I also spoke with a young man who was visiting for his second time. Both sincerely expressed their interest to return and learn more about our church. Guests are "God's gold" -- because it means that the gospel of Jesus has an opportunity to establish itself in more people's hearts through our church's ministry.

Seriously. It just doesn't get more thrilling than that!

Jesus promises that when we stay connected to him, there will be positive results. With him as our Source, fruit will be produced.

We can't always say exactly how much, or what that fruit will look like. But it will happen. And Jesus promises it will happen abundantly!

Minds will grow in faith. Hearts will grow in grace. Churches will grow in new believers. Lives will grow in joy and peace. Compassion will grow and produce acts of kindness and generosity.

Stay connected to Jesus. And trust him. The results will come in his time. God's grace and forgiveness are beautiful soil.

And Jesus is the right vine. With him we'll have all the results we could ever want.

Without him we've got nothing!

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5, NIV).

Our Bible reading for Monday, May 25, is 1 Samuel 16:1 - 17:37, John 15:1 - 16:4 and Psalm 67:1-7.

Lord Jesus, I want to stay connected to you. I cannot do that in my own strength. Send me your Holy Spirit, and the wisdom that comes from above. Show me your grace and mercy every day. Forgive my sins. And help me to remember that only as I stay connected to you can I produce the results that both you and I are looking for.

Header image based on "Grapevines" by Jason, CC By 2.0